And here we are.
As I write to you, I'm sitting in my new-to-me 82 year old house. Yes, the inhabitants of the Little Red House have relocated. We have finally done something we have wanted to do for a very long time. We moved back to the first city we called home together, and we are so, so happy. We are now in a little orange house and I absolutely love it.
It has character. I can feel the love from the creaky wooden floors and the big old windows that need a gentle push to open. From the old tub that stands quite directly in the way of the bathroom door and the little closets that seem charming in their obvious inability to fit even half our clothes. And there are trees! Real, huge, old, green trees out of every window. Trees that have branches so long they have no choice but to meet in an arch over the street, trees that have given us more apples than we could possibly eat in a year, and trees that we can climb and play under. siiiiigh.
And this? It feels like us. It feels like the right place for us to be. Away from the noisy, busy, busy, drive-everywhere city. Away from construction and tiny patios and working long hours. It's a move to quiet. community. backyard. walk-nearly-everywhere city. And this change has motivated me to keep this blog going.
It might look a little different, for while I was once full-time-stay-at-home-mom, I am now part-time-working-mom. And that's a huge change for us. But the truth is, I think it's going to be pretty great. I feel passion in the job I get to do, and I can bring that passion home to my toolovelyforwords family. It feels good to know that I'm actually (hopefully) able to achieve a balance between motherhood and a career. And with the business growing steadily, we get to see so much more of our main man; who can now focus primarily on what he loves and not be working around the clock. Big changes around here.
Life. Simplified.