
Things I love

Being pregnant has been an amazing experience so far. Here are a few of my thoughts on what I love about carrying our first child:

Having a little secret
Staring in wonder as my stomach rolls around from a little bean inside of me
Watching little body parts stick out
Being able to hold my belly
Laughing as the baby moves when we touch my stomach
Daydreaming about what the baby looks like
Knowing there are two hearts beating inside of me
Emotionally preparing for motherhood
Experiencing a new intimacy with my husband
Watching my stomach get rounder
Knowing that even on a terrible day there is something incredible happening that always makes you happy
Watching my belly button pop out
Singing and knowing the little one is listening
Having a little shelf to rest my hands on
Keeping track of how our baby is growing~constantly learning new things
Knowing that a miracle is happening right inside of me
Having a reason to look for baby clothes
Feeling like my body is made for something special
Having strangers show kindness
Feeling the baby move when I change positions
Creating first time memories with all three of us
Watching the tot move when she hears music
Looking at ultrasound pictures
Discussing parenthood with my love
Feeling the baby kick first thing in the morning
Knowing I am carrying something that will change my life


  1. Anonymous12:41 p.m.

    Wow - I almost cried reading your posting. We are unbelievably excited for you both. We hope we can see you with the little one inside you. We will be in AB the last weekend in February - we'll get ahold of you to see if we can get together!

  2. Juanita-where will you be? That would be great to get together. Keep us posted!

  3. awwww, carmen. that was beautiful. it made me want to be pregnant again!!!

  4. Anonymous5:33 p.m.

    I couldn't have said it better myself - byt then again I have never been pregnant. As always, you have such a wonderful way of expressing your thoughts and feelings and as your father have come to expect no less in this situation.
    I really admire you and David's way of preparing yourseld for parenthood and I am so looking forward to meeting this little one - our fourth grandaughter!
    With much love... Dad

  5. Anonymous6:14 p.m.

    It's me again! My last comment should have been "I'm looking forward to welcoming our fifth...


  6. it IS a girl!!!! OH MY MY MY!!!! sorry, ignore my comment on the little pink shoes, because i hadn't read this yet.... :)

    I'm sooooooooo HAPPY FOR YOU!

    i loved this post. you are such a beautiful woman carmen.
