
Careful! There's a giant in the kitchen

Carmen's words. We're at 30 and a half weeks.


  1. Anonymous11:18 p.m.

    nice title David! are you sleeping on the couch tonight?
    Carmen you look incredible!

  2. I made the title. hee hee. He tried to tell people that underneath it! He is nothing but sweet and kind, don't worry!

  3. You look so great Carmen! Can you believe in 10 weeks you'll have a baby?? So surreal.

  4. i love the pictures!!! you're so so cute. and at first i thought the same eyebrow raising thought as chantel, but i figured out that those were your words by david's comment :)

  5. Anonymous1:59 p.m.

    that's one cute giant, i must say!

  6. Anonymous2:42 p.m.

    Beautiful....just beautiful.

    Although we are so far apart...these pictures make me feel a little closer...but not close enough.

    You make pregnancy look good.


  7. Anonymous10:11 p.m.

    Hey Carmen & David!
    Haven't seen you in awhile! Thought we'd check out the Blogspot!
    Things are moving right along !!
    You look so good Carmen, Nicr picture David!
    I will read you Journal after i send this!
    All the best as alwaye!
    Much love AuntLou

  8. Anonymous12:20 p.m.

    Hey Guys,
    Great shots! Carm, you truly look amazing!! David, the picture of you putting together the stroller, stunning! I can't wait to meet that little woman!

  9. Hello! I got here via Patti's blog. You look beautiful pregnant ~ and it's so great that you are expecting a girl! Baby girls are the best...mine will be one next week. Enjoy the newborn stage, as it really does go by fast. All the best as you wait out the last few weeks of your pregnancy!
