

  1. Congratulations Carmen and David!!!!!! She is precious :) I know you two will be fabulous parents. Good luck on this adventure!

  2. Anonymous8:54 p.m.

    Congratulations!!!!! What a nice surprise - EARLY. You sure caught grandma and grandpa off guard, I don't even think they thought it would be THIS early. Enjoy parenthood. P.S. Say hi to the proud grandparents for us.
    Debbie and Brian Funk

  3. Anonymous8:02 p.m.

    eeeeeeeeeeeeek! what a wonderful suprise! cate is the sweetest little baby girl i've ever seen...and she has amazing parents :) i can't wait to meet her. hopefuly in may?? you three make a beautiful family. keep the adorable pictures coming! love you guys so much & wish i could be there....
