Another View of Busan, South Korea
If you've checked David's blog, you will have seen and heard about some of our latest adventures in Busan. We took a lot of photos , and I thought I'd add some more of my favorites. I thought these pictures really told a story of Busan-at least how I saw things.
Busan has been described as the San Fransisco of Korea. I guess you can see why.Busan is known for some beautiful beaches. Having been to one before, we thought we would take a chance and try to find a new area that we had read about. Well, it didn't exactly turn out as planned, and the only beach we saw in the area was essentially a junkyard-but a junkyard that was a backyard to a lot of children. When we arrived there, we saw these lovely little girls playing by the water. David took this picture and I think it is absolutely beautiful. There was something about that night that I'll never forget. A feeling. A smell. An understanding, perhaps.
At the same little cove you could see many old fishing/house boats. Note the high rise buildings in the background. A blend of old and new.
Carmen,I'm so glad you posted those pictures--I so agree with you,what a wonderful 'story in picture' of Korean culture;ancient and modern,past and present;co-existing in seeming harmony--I love it-and miss it-----mother chris