
Catch Up

So I'm guessing that I don't have a lot of readers left after this enormous blogging hiatus I've been on. Sheesh. There's just no excuse! Everytime I'd think of updating I'd get overwhelmed by just how much I had to update, so I'd leave it. So today I decided I would at least give you something!

We live in Calgary now! I think most of you probably have heard this news, but David got a job at St.John Ambulance as their business development coordinator and he started about 3 weeks ago. Since then we've found a great little character home, moved in and have actually settled in quite nicely. David is really enjoying his work and I am getting used to be a full-time stay-at-home mom again. Surprisingly it has been a bit of an adjustment, as it hasn't been just me at home since last February, seeing that in Korea I worked ft and since we've been back I've had my wonderful husband at home with me. I'm now fully immersed in the world of tea parties, story books and making meals!

Meanwhile, the new little bean is growing like crazy! I am now, if you can believe it, 21 weeks and 3 days along. Over half way! Because of all the craziness within the last few weeks, my ultrasound is later than usual, but is booked for June 5th. We are anxiously awaiting this appointment! Cate talks about 'baby' all the time and seems excited about it, but I really doubt she has any idea about what this baby really means. We talk a lot about being a big helper and how we'll love the baby by singing to it and hugging and kissing it. She thinks it is all great- as long as it's a baby GIRL and not a baby BOY. I know, you wouldn't imagine she could have such a preference at this stage, but my, she certainly does. We'll find out soon! We do plan to find out the sex again. We actually can't wait! We really have no preference as to the sex, but can't wait to envision the newest addition to our family! The baby has started kicking in the last few weeks and that makes it so much more real.

Anyways, here are some pictures that have been taken in the last couple of days.
Thanks to those still reading!

Cate and I in our fort that I could hardly squeeze into. We've had a full week of rainy weather so we were trying out new games!
The cutie pie herself at almost 26 months!
And here I am as of yesterday. Sorry for the bad pics, but we just never seem to get around to capturing nice ones so a self timer had to do for now!
And here's Cate just this morning, in her new wagon from Nana and Papa.


  1. well i still check, so i better comment!!!

    glad to hear you're settling in!

    you're looking great! enjoy your time at home!!!!

  2. I still check, too..all part of my blog checking routine of the day! :) Looks like you're enjoying being a stay-at-home mommy now...how fun! Whereabouts in Calgary are you living?


  3. So glad you're back to blogging. You look great and Cate is as cute as ever.

    Sounds like you are having fun days filled with girly things. I hope the weather gets better there. I feel sorry for you guys out there.

  4. I have been checking regularly by the way and looking forward to an update. So glad you guys are doing well. Cate is simply delightful!

  5. I have been checking regularly by the way and looking forward to an update. So glad you guys are doing well. Cate is simply delightful!

  6. Sorry I somehow posted that twice!

  7. Hey Carmen! You look absolutely fabulous with your baby bump...oh, somedays I so miss being pregnant:) Your little Cate is as cute as ever. I'm glad to hear you guys are doing well!

  8. Great to hear that you are all settling in so well! It looks like baby #2 is growing quickly - can't wait to find out what it is too! Take care you guys.
