Socks, Signs and Squid
I am going to start today with another segment of amuse me, please.
Koreans try very hard to use English in their product advertising. Sometimes it works, and other times it does not...
A pair of socks.
And my personal favorite...Please note that not only is the wording a little wonky, but they have also used "helf" for help. This is our laundry basket.
We had a pretty fun time downtown today. See David's blog for the details. Cate is a hit in this place. It's almost ridiculous.
I ended up buying this shirt. Please don't laugh at me. This kind of stuff is everywhere and it's contagious. I feel so hip. And then I realize I'm not Korean and probably shouldn't be trying to pull this off. ha!
In other news, my itty bitty baby is going to be a one year old this week. Oh my word. I don't know how to handle this! I know that you hear this all the time, but seriously, it just doesn't seem possible that children can grow up this quickly. We are having a small party for her on Saturday and inviting the only people we know here, our foreign neighbors upstairs, my three Korean co-teachers and their significant others, and the Friesen family that I spoke of last week. I really wish our family and friends could be here for the occasion. In Korea a baby's first birthday is a huge I've asked my Korean friends to incorporate a little Korean tradition into the party. I'll let you know how that goes...something about fortune telling and sticky rice cakes. I actually can't bake a cake for her because we dont' have an oven; we'll be stopping by the "Paris Baguette" for a little something instead.
Sometime in the very near future I also have to figure out Cate's 1 year immunizations. Should be fun ( just a reminder- Koreans don't' speak English).
What else can I tell you? School is going great. I really enjoy teaching these kids. They are so disciplined and enthusiastic about learning. It's a nice change. I get to sing a lot of great songs.
Here's a catchy little ditty for you:
Hello Minsu -clap, clap
Hello Anne-clap, clap
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you too, YEAH!
I teach about 7 classes of each grade, so I've only heard this song about 28 times this week.
I better end this post. David just brought home some dried squid. Gotta try it out.
Keep posting pictures and stories.It makes my day. The strange sayings are sure good for a laugh love mom
ReplyDeleteGive Cate a great big birthday hug and kiss from us!
ReplyDeleteI love the T-shirt! And I would totally be amused by all the wonky wording...I used to have so much fun with some of the made (and translated) in China/Japan/Korea trinkets we would get in at Claire's when I worked there.
ReplyDeletecarmy i don't even know how to tell you how much i love your blog. yes i love it. i love davids too. and oh i laughed at your tshirt and how you are so hip! oh i love your hipness!!!
Happy Birthday to Cate! David's blog and yours make my day. You two see the good side of everything, that is so amazing. We just celebrated Dylan's 2nd birthday, and yes it is hard to believe they grow up so fast.Keep up the great blogs. Auntie Karen
ReplyDeleteI honestly think you guys are so amazing. And precious Cate is a year!!! One day she and Aria must meet. They'll be the two cutest little girls ever. Just so you know....if you want to hold off getting her immunizations, it doesn't do them any harm to be about 6mths off schedule, like getting her 1 yr shots at 18 mths etc. Some people start years late and as long as you keep the intervals regular after that(ie wait another 6 mths for the next ones) it's fine(so the nurse told me because when we moved from BC to AB we were 6mths off with some of Aria's shots.) Might be safer to wait, and less scary!