
Sick Girl

It's the middle of August and our Cate is sick. And so are we.

Last weekend we noticed she had started coughing and was just abnormally cranky. By mid week she was tugging at her ears and was coughing non-stop. So on Thursday I decided to take her to the doctor. As you can imagine, going to the doctor here is a bit of an adventure. We have to figure out where to go ( and location matters because we don't have a vehicle), we have to find the right kind of doctor, and of course, we have to ensure that someone will speak enough english to assist us. So needless to say, I was sorta dreading having to take her. But I'm glad I did! It turns out she has an ear infection and bronchitis! Poor love. I guess it's just one of those things, but it is still so hard to see her so uncomfortable.

Today we returned to the doctor to see if the antibiotics she had given us were doing their job. Apparently they were; she thought Cate seemed a lot better today. She did say, however, that it could take a few weeks for her ear infection to heal completely.

Anyways, I got to thinking that some of you might be interested in the kinds of hospitals we have here so I thought I'd take some pictures of our visit today.

It is custom to remove your shoes in any building like this and so they provide you with slippers to wear.

Here are my chosen pair- a lovely hello kitty variety :)

And just in case any of you thought we might be living in a third world country...check out this pediatric hospital! It is far nicer than any medical centre I've seen in Canada.

The lady at the back (in the hot pink shirt) was one of the nurses. They were all so pleasant and kind ,something which, if I dare say, is lacking a bit in North American hospitals.

Here's our brave little girl having fun on the horsey.
(Thanks Auntie Lisa for the cute dress!)

We only had to wait for about 5 minutes. The service was excellent. The total cost of the visit was ~ $2.50 CAD. She gave us a prescription for two types of medication and those cost us a mere $1.50 CAD.

So here's to the return of health and happiness for little Cate.


  1. Anonymous6:36 a.m.

    osThere is just something SO wrong when one of our sweet munchkins is not feeling well. Good that you were able to take her to the doctor and that medication is available for such a reasonable price. We will pray that she gets better really soon. Thanks for posting the pictures of the medical centre - having visited several Health Centres in developing countries; this is ultra modern.

    Dad/Papa Ginther

  2. Oh that is so sad. Poor little Cate. Isn't it heartbreaking when they're sick! I hope you all feel better soon. So good that the hospitals are good. Seriously sometimes I have panics about having another baby because I hated being in the hospital SOOOO much(it was only 5 nights and everyone says oh you'll just forget, but I have NOT forgotten!)
