
You Should Try This

And you thought I was kidding! I'm really back.

As mentioned, David and I have really changed our eating habits. We can no longer justify eating whatever we feel like. We're quite concerned that the things we put into our mouths are actually things that are good for us. I've never thought this way before. I used to just think, " that's not that bad. It isn't too fatty" etc. But now, I think in terms of " My body needs vitamins and nutrients so what can I eat?"

So... this brings me to today's post. We obviously still crave chocolate and sugary things. I found a recipe for Black Bean Brownies and they are delish!Obviously these aren't the best thing in the world for you as they do still have sugar, but they are perfect for a treat that isn't totally void of nutrients. In fact, beans are FULL of good things. I modifed the ingredients a bit, but here you go!

The recipe:

1 15 oz can black beans- or just under 2 cups (I used chick peas instead and they were perfect!)
3 eggs
3 TBSP vegetable oil ( I used sunflower oil)
1/4-1/2 cup of dark cocoa ( If you like chocolate use 1/2 cup)
1 pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 c -1 c sugar ( I used brown)
1/2 c chocolate chips ( I used carob chips)

And, it's so easy! Put all the ingredients in a blender ( except for choc. chips- just stir in after) and pour into a greased 8X8 pan.
Bake for 30 minutes ( In my oven it was only about 20, so watch carefully!) at 350 degrees.

If you wish, you can mash the chick peas before you put them in the blender- it made it much easier. Blend well because you probably don't want to have chunks of beans sticking out :)

They are very gooey but you'll know they are ready when the sides start to pull away from the pan.

And if you aren't yet convinced, check out the nutritional value of a chick pea.
And if you still need convincing, even David loved them. :)


  1. Anonymous9:02 a.m.

    Thanks for posting this recipe Carmen, I can't wait to try it. I am always looking for recipes like this and ways to make other recipes healthier. We feel it is more important now than ever. Thanks again, Clarissa.

  2. Have you tried them with the black beans? this is a wheat free recipe so I am all over it for Malea.. I will try it for sure, but wondering why you didn't use the black beans?

  3. Hey! I just didn't have any canned ones and didn't feel like waiting to soak them.
    I had totally forgotten that this was a wheat free one! Remember the last time we spoke, I was trying so hard to think of one I had made? woops, this is it!
