
Nut Free Snacks:

Ah, it really is a nut-free world, isn't it? Truth is, we eat a lot of nuts around here, in the Little Red House. Nut butters, nut cookies, nut breads, nut smoothies... and that is all fine ( in fact, it's more than fine, it's excellent) But now that Miss Cate Rowan is out in the real world, I have become more aware of the need to be nut free when we leave the house.  However, since all the healthy homemade treats i make usually have ground nuts in them, I've had to recreate a lot!

Here are some things that we like to pack with us that are a.) really very good for you b.) portable c.) nut free

10 Nut Free Snacks for Little (or Big) People
  1. Multi-grain baguette slices with light cream cheese and honey or pure fruit spread (Cate calls these jam tarts?)
  2. Homemade granola bars with seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, flax), oatmeal, dried fruit, honey
  3. Raw flaxseed coconut cookies
  4. Apple sauce and plain yogurt with flax in portable glass jars
  5. Chickpeas or black beans
  6.  Fruit snacks (This is one area I have yet to touch in the food department: the art of the dehydrated food. For now I buy SunRype Real Fruit, but I do want to figure this out on my own someday.)
  7. Whole Wheat Pumpkin Banana muffins ( or apple, or carrot, or bran. But they must be low fat, low sugar and filled with good for you ingredients. I honestly just do not believe in fillers. I really want the food I feed my family to be highly nutritional)
  8. Carrot sticks, pepper slices, edamame beans
  9.  Fresh fruit slices or dried fruit ( we like apricots and plums)
  10.  Gimbap (or California Rolls) These don't happen all that often, because they require some planning, but seriously they make a fantastic on the go snack. We swear by the Korean variety that we ate, um, constantly, but you could fill it with whatever you like. Obviously seaweed and rice are required but from there the options are endless-spinach, egg, avocado, carrot, tuna, etc. etc. The sticky rice is brilliant, because, hey, it doesn't fall out all over the place, and wrapping it in tin foil makes it a nice one handed snack for the car.
And there you have it. Get your mini stroller and your undressed doll and get out in the world. completely nut free.


  1. You are SO SO inspiring. I love this. Can you please post some recipes? Your homemade granola bars and muffins for example.

    Have a fantastic day, Carmen!

  2. You should ask Auntie Evonne how to make home made fruit leather. She used to make it all the time. I remember eating it at Susanna's house all the time. It was sugar-free and killer!
